Let Your Home Go Divine the Metallic Way This Festive Season

Taking a look at the pages of our geography and history book will give us a fair idea of the dominance of metal products all over our subcontinent since the pre-historic era. One of the most important field that has seen an indispensable usage of metals is the field of home decors. The fact that the realm of divinity has been influenced by this to a great extent has added on to its prominence.

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Five Effective Tips for Puja Room in a Home

The temple is an integral part of our home and if structured in a right way, they can generate a lot of benefits in our lives and will fulfil all our desires. In the present complex scenario, we do not have time to visit temples every day to perform puja, which makes it vital to have a temple in a home to get positive outcomes in health, wealth, and relationship. It is really important to not just take care of the design of the temple but what to keep or what not to keep. PujaShoppe brings you a few tips to make your puja effective and successful.

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घर के मंदिर में ध्यान रखें ये बातें, नकारात्मक ऊर्जा हो जाएगी खत्म

लगभग हर हिंदू परिवार के घर में देवी-देवताओं का अलग स्थान होता है, कुछ लोगों के घरों में छोटे मंदिर होते हैं|वैसे तो परमपिता परमेश्वर सर्वव्यापी है इसके बावजूद अगर घर के मंदिर की स्थापना करते समय कुछ छोटी छोटी, लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण बातों का ध्यान रखा जाए तो पूजा का फल अधिक मिलता है।यदि आप भगवान को मानते है और परमात्मा में जरा सी भी आस्था है तो आप थोड़ा बहुत पूजा पाठ भी करते करते होंगे। पूजा पाठ में विश्वास करते है तो आपके घर में देवी-देवताओं की मूर्तियां और उन्हें रखने के लिए छोटा सा मंदिर भी जरुर बनाया होगा।  वैसे तो परमपिता परमेश्वर सर्वव्यापी है इसके बावजूद अगर घर के मंदिर की स्थापना करते समय कुछ छोटी छोटी, लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण बातों का ध्यान रखा जाए तो पूजा का फल अधिक मिलता है। वहीं यदि इसमें जरा सी भी चूक हो जाए तो यह जिंगगी के लिए कष्टकारी बन जाता है। इसलिए मंदिर की स्थापना करते समय इन बातों का ख्ययाल अवश्य रखें।ईशान कोण में रखें मंदिर- उत्तर पूर्व के कोण को ईशान कोण कहते हैं और इसे देवताओं का स्थान माना गया है। यही कारण है कि ईशान कोण पूजा-पाठ या अध्यात्म के लिए सबसे बेहतर होता है। लिहाजा मंदिर की स्थापना उत्तर पूर्व दिशा में ही करनी चाहिए। साथ ही पूजा करते समय हमारा मुख ईशान कोण में हो इसका भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए।   मंदिर तक पहुंचे रौशनी और हवा- घर का मंदिर ऐसी जगह पर बनाया जाना चाहिए जहां पर सूर्य की रौशनी और ताजी हवा आती हो। इससे घर की नेगेटिव एनर्जी खत्म होकर पॉजिटिव एनर्जी का संचार होता है। साथ ही घर के वास्तु दोष भी दूर होते हैं।छोटी मूर्तियों को दे प्राथमिकता- मंदिर में रखी मूर्तियां छोटी और कम वजनी ही बेहतर होती है।
साथ ही पूजा स्थल पर बीच में भगवान गणेश की तस्वीर या मूर्ति जरूर होनी चाहिए। इसके अलावा देवताओं की तस्वीर इस तरह रखें कि दृष्टि एक दूसरे पर नहीं पड़े। अगर कोई मूर्ति खंडित या क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाए तो उसे मंदिर से हटाकर पीपल के पेड़ या जल में प्रवाहित कर देना चाहिए।   रसोई में ना बनाएं पूजा घर – बहुत से घरों में रसोई घर में पूजा का स्थान बना लेते हैं जो एक दम गलत है। घर के सभी लोग अतृप्त और दुखी रहेंगे क्योंकि भगवान भाव व सुगंध के भूखे हैं। रसोई घर में कई तरह का खाना बनता है- सात्विक भी और तामसिक भी।मृतात्माओं की तस्वीर लगाने से बचे— मृतात्मा या पूर्वजों की तस्वीर पूजा घर में देवताओं के साथ नहीं लगाने चाहिए। पूर्वज हमारे श्रद्धेय हैं, पूजनीय हैं। लेकिन हम उन्हें भगवान मानकर उनकी पूजा नहीं कर सकते।

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Offerings to Shiva on Sawan’s First Monday for Good Health and Wealth

The holiest month of the year in the Hindu calendar is here and Each Monday of this month, known as Shravan Somvar, is a special day cited in Shivpuran. It is a day when an idol is bathed with holy water or dharanatra hangs over the linga. Devotees from across the world mound the linga high with bel leaves and flowers and undergoes fast till sunset. They receive the eternal blessing of Lord Shiva by observing fasts and worshipping assiduously. As we all know, how innocent Lord Shiva is and get impressed easily with devotees. That’s the only reason he is also known as ‘Bholenath’. Shivpuran has provided some really easy ways to perform puja during Sawan month and fulfill all your wishes.

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5 Things Every Home Should Have To Impress Shiva This Shravan Month

Sawan or Shravan month is the fifth month according to the Hindu calendar and is considered as the holiest month of the year. During the course of this month, the star ‘Shravan’ rules the sky and hence the month derived its name called Shravan. The month of Sawan begins during the month of July and ends in the concluding part of the month of August. Devotees perform all sorts of important religious ceremonies as almost all days in this month are auspicious for a good beginning. This month is primarily devoted to Lord Shiva. Many devotees perform rituals and undertake a fast during this period to seek the blessings of Lord Shankar. Many people wear Rudraksha beads to impress Lord Shiva. But did you know that you can make the best out of this month holiness by making some minor changes in your home interior?


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Let the Ultimate Divine Touch on the Walls Speak For Itself

There is no denying the fact that the interiors of a house speak aloud the class and preferences of the individuals dwelling in them. One of the best ways to bring about an elevation in the look and feel of your residential area as well as your workplace is to add a touch of divinity or spirituality to it. Getting hold of the right kind of wall decors online is something that can definitely prove to be of some help.


While you have been contemplating over the oh-so-perfect look for your house, the best way to achieve it is through bringing about an amalgamation between the spiritual and the modern devices. Getting hold of the right kind of divine wall decors online can give you the desired effect that you are looking for. Continue reading Let the Ultimate Divine Touch on the Walls Speak For Itself

Ulta Ratha – Where Goodbye Is Not Just About Melancholy

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The Ulta Ratha generally marks the conclusion of the Rath Yatra with the deities returning back to their respective abodes. After the completion of all the rituals during the stay of the supreme Lord along with Subhadra and Balaram in Gundicha, the celebration of the return festival begins exactly after nine days. This journey is termed as the Bahuda Yatra by the commoners and people across the globe as per the local language. Continue reading Ulta Ratha – Where Goodbye Is Not Just About Melancholy

A Royal Touch Enhancing Divinity in Ratha Yatra through the Years


The auspicious day of Ratha yatra commences with the devotees of the Lord getting up right in the early hours of the day. The first prayers of the day are generally offered by the followers within their residential premises itself. It is only after this that they head towards the Jagannath temple to offer prayers. The availability of an Essential Puja Kit Online via some of the best online puja portals like Pujashoppe has helped the common masses get hold of all the necessary products that are required to carry out the puja.

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Derive the Essence of the Chappan Bhog in the Jagannath Temple


The “bhog” or “mahaprasad” as it is generally forms the fulcrum of the great outpour of devotees to the Jagannath Temple during the Ratha yatra. The gigantic temple does boast of having the largest kitchen in the world that feeds thousands of devotees on a daily basis. But the entire scenario is worth watching during the yearly festive occasion of the Ratha Yatra. You can buy Online Puja Samagri and save a certain amount of time before you seek blessings from the Lord.

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Unveil Facts about the Jagannath Temple, the Abode of the Ruler of the Universe


Owing its origins back to the age old years of the 11th century, the Jagannath Temple has been relishing its significance as one of the ‘char dhams’ since time immemorial. Thousands of pilgrims and devotees from all across the globe travel all the way to the coastal state of Orissa to pay their homage to Lord Jagannath, the ruler of the Universe.

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