Harmony at Home: Unlocking Pooja Room Vastu Tips for Spiritual Bliss

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Creating a sacred space at home involves aligning spiritual practices with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Let’s delve into interactive Pooja Room Vastu tips to transform your sacred heaven into a reservoir of positive energy.

Choose the Right Direction:

According to Vastu, the northeast or east direction is ideal for the Pooja Room. To interact with the audience, ask them to check their Pooja Room’s direction and share their experiences.

Enhance Illumination:

Ensure ample natural light in the Pooja Room. Invite your audience to share creative ways of enhancing illumination in their sacred space.

Sacred Geometry Matters:

Incorporate sacred geometry in the Pooja Room, such as a Swastika or a Shree Yantra. Ask followers to share their favourite symbols and their significance.

Declutter for Positivity:

clutter-free space is essential. Encourage followers to share decluttering tips that have worked wonders in their Pooja Room.

Color Palette for Serenity:

Use soothing colours like white, cream, or light yellow. Create a poll asking your audience about their favourite colour for a Pooja Room.

Position the Deities Thoughtfully:

Place idols and photos facing east or north. Ask followers to share how they’ve arranged their deities for an enhanced connection.

Sound of Spirituality:

Play soft devotional music or chants for a serene atmosphere. Ask your audience for their favourite spiritual tunes.

Engage with Aromas:

Use pleasant fragrances like incense or flowers. Start a discussion about favourite aromas and their significance.

Online Puja Samagri Exploration:

Guide your audience to explore online puja items stores in India like Puja Shoppe. Ask them to share their recent findings and recommendations.

Puja Shoppe – Your Trusted Puja Companion:

In creating a spiritually aligned home, Puja Shoppe emerges as the go-to destination for authentic puja items. From puja kits to an extensive array of puja samagri, Puja Shoppe ensures that your sacred space is equipped with the finest essentials.


By engaging with your audience, sharing tips, and fostering a sense of community, everyone can contribute to creating a harmonious and positive space at home. Explore the world of authentic puja items at Puja Shoppe to enhance your spiritual practices and elevate the energy of your sacred heaven.

Does Vastu and Fengshui Actually Work?

Vastu and feng shui both developed in Asia as away of arranging elements of a space in a set of rules for a harmonious and peaceful place. But does it actually work?

Asia from its history has a culture of bringing a harmony in the living spaces. In India it has been called Vastu and in China it is known as Feng shui. It is a traditional way of how people should live in their houses and how they should work in their workplaces. It has been practised by generations of Asian people and is still very prevalent now. In the recent years, with the coming of globalisation, the west has also caught up to the trend and now they are following it as well. They can now buy vastu products online and they can also buy Feng shui items online. Thus the prevalence is spreading rapidly all across the world.

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But the million dollar question is does it work? Both Vastu and Feng shui claim to centre the energy of a place and make the environment more harmonious. But if you ask a rational scientist about it, they will say that this is a bunch of horse crap.

Points in Support of Feng Shui and Vastu:

1.  Experts in this field say that a house that has proper vastu done on it consumes less resources than normal. The careful placing of items in specific corners of the house and in specific directions can increase the positive flow of energy in the house.

2.  Vastu or feng shui, even if you do not believe in everything , the correct placement of things in different corners of the house will create a clutter free environment.

3.  Essentially, it is a belief system and people who believe in it feel more peaceful mentally in a house which is properly done in Vastu or feng shui.

Points Against Vastu and Feng Shui:

1.  Vastu means arranging and feng shui literally translates to air water. Arranging a space in a specific set of rules might seem like a stupid idea to many as the artstic sensibilities of a person might not be matching to how things should be kept in a place according to vastu.

2.  Both vastu and feng shui are ancient ways and the time when it was developed the world was a much simpler place. There were no air conditioners, no fridges, no washing machines , no microwave ovens and the electromagnetic radiation caused by these appliances will alter the set electromagnetic harmony created by the same.

3.  Essentially, vastu or feng shui are now existent on a belief system and for any rationally scientific person, a theory without any practical measurable data is null and void.

वास्तु और फेंगशुई की उत्तम टिप्स आपके जीवन के लिए त्वरित सौभाग्य लाने के लिए

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हमारे इर्द-गिर्द सब कुछ ऊर्जा से सम्बंधित है – सकारात्मक ऊर्जा और ऋणात्मक ऊर्जा l फेंगशुई और वास्तु हमे एक स्वस्थ और सुखी जीवन के लिए अपनी ऊर्जा को संतुलित करना सिखाते है l प्रभावी फेंगशुई आपके घर को इस तरह से व्यवस्थित करता है, जो आपके भीतर की सकारात्मकता को उजागर करता है lआपको फेंगशुई के बहुत से उत्पाद ऑनलाइन मिल सकते है और उन्हें इस चमत्कारी शक्ति के परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने घर के आयोजन में उपयोग कर सकते हैं l वास्तु पवन ऊर्जा, प्रकाश ऊर्जा, चुंबकीय ऊर्जा, तापीय ऊर्जा, चंद्र ऊर्जा और ब्रह्मांडीय ऊर्जा सहित विभिन्न ऊर्जा के साथ काम करता है। यदि प्रभावी ढंग से किया जाये तो आपके घर में किसी भी प्रकार के तनाव के लिए कोई जगह नहीं होगी। वास्तु और फेंगशुई की उत्तम टिप्स आपके जीवन के लिए त्वरित सौभाग्य लाने के लिए यहाँ प्रस्तुत है l Continue reading वास्तु और फेंगशुई की उत्तम टिप्स आपके जीवन के लिए त्वरित सौभाग्य लाने के लिए

Effective Vastu Tips for Your New Shop


Shop is the most important part of any individual whose life and career is dependent on it. But why it is so that many shops or showrooms are more popular and attract lots of consumers, whereas some shops do not perform at all despite having a promotional concept? Many people relate this to the nature of the shop owner or the skills required for sales, however, in reality, it has a lot to do with Vastu. With right Vastu, you can attract lots of opportunities in terms of business and consumers. If you are setting any new shop, then it is indeed a best time to buy Vastu products online for your shop. Here are some Vastu tips to consider for your new shop or showroom- Continue reading Effective Vastu Tips for Your New Shop

Top Vastu and Fengshui Tips to Bring Quick Good Luck to Your Life

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Everything around us is related to energy- positive energy and negative energy. Fengshui and Vastu teaches us how to balance energy for a healthy and happy life. Effective Fengshui is arranging your home in such a manner that bring positivity in you from inside. You can get lots of online Fengshui products and use them in organizing your home to get the results of this miraculous force. Vastu works with different energies including wind energy, light energy, magnetic energy, thermal energy, lunar energy and cosmic energy. If done effectively, there will be no place for any kind of stress in your home. Here are some Fengshui and Vastu tips to bring quick good luck to your home. Continue reading Top Vastu and Fengshui Tips to Bring Quick Good Luck to Your Life

अपने बच्चो के कक्ष के लिए वास्तु करते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य बाते

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वास्तु बच्चो के कक्ष के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है, क्योंकि यह आपके बच्चे के मानसिक व शारीरिक विकास के लिए सुनिश्चित वातावरण में योगदान प्रदान करने में सहायता करता है I बुरा वास्तु जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में एक बच्चे की प्रगति को प्रभावित कर सकता है और बच्चे को ज़िद्दी व शैतान बना सकता है I वास्तु जब ठीक से किया गया हो तो वह आपके बच्चे को आज्ञाकारी व प्रगतिशील में परिवर्तित कर सकता है I Continue reading अपने बच्चो के कक्ष के लिए वास्तु करते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य बाते

आपके बैडरूम के लिए महत्वपूर्ण वास्तु टिप्स

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वास्तु समग्र खुशिओं के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है और आपके बैडरूम की रचना और स्थानन प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से इस पर प्रभाव डालते है l वास्तु वास्तव में एक पवित्र विज्ञान है जो की आपको तनावमुक्त जीवन जीने में सहायता करता है l शयनकक्ष ऐसी जगह है जहा पुरे दिन की थकान के बाद व्यक्ति निद्रा लेता है, तो यह वास्तव में जरुरी है कि इसे वास्तु विशेषताओं से परिचित कराया जाये l जिस दिशा में आप सो रहे है या शयनकक्ष की दिशा, परिवार के सदस्यो के अनुसार अत्यंत सावधानी के साथ ठीक से लिया जाना चाहिए l Continue reading आपके बैडरूम के लिए महत्वपूर्ण वास्तु टिप्स

सुखी विवाहित जीवन के लिए वास्तु टिप्स

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra in Saket

विवाह का संयोग स्वर्ग में बनता है और एक बहुत ही खास संबंध है जो कि न केवल दंपत्ति के बीच बल्कि उनके परिवार के मध्य भी विद्यमान रहता है l लेकिन, कभी-कभी आपके प्रिय से विवाह होने के पश्चात भी संबंध आनंदित नहीं रहता l ऐसे मामलो में,वास्तु सुझावों पर विचार करना महत्वपूर्ण है, वे निश्चित रूप से आपके सुखी विवाह जीवन में विवादों से बचने में सहायता करेंगे l Continue reading सुखी विवाहित जीवन के लिए वास्तु टिप्स

Things to Remember While Doing Vastu for Your Kid’s Room

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Vastu plays a very important role in the child’s room as it helps ensure the atmosphere contributed to your child’s mental as well as physical development. Bad Vastu can affect a child’s progress in every sphere of life and can turn into stubborn and brat child. Vastu when done rightly can transform your child into obedient and progressive. Continue reading Things to Remember While Doing Vastu for Your Kid’s Room

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