Praise the Spirit of Beauty and Strength of Mahagauri

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Goddess Mahagauri is worshiped on the eighth day of Navratri. Mahagauri signifies a clean and bright ray of lighting that illuminates the universe. She transmits the power within herself to satisfy all the desires of her followers. Her beauty glows like the glow of white pearl. Mahagauri denotes the sign of amity and fortitude. She is seen with four arms seating on a bull. Her upper right hand holds a trishul i.e. trident and lower left hand a damru i.e. hand drum. Her lower right hand denotes the symbol of blessings and upper left hand is symbolizing the giving wealth to her worshipers. Her power is constant and instantly rewarding.

How Mahagauri became a Devi

In mythology it is discussed that Mahagauri has faced several difficulties for a long period of time in the deep forests of the Himalayas. She was on the process penance which was very pure. She possesses an unbelievable strength and power within herself. She had to deal with many obstacles, but anyhow she used her brain and power to overcome those barriers. She adopted a dark complexion because she grew up with such a struggling period of time. But when Lord Shiva washed her with the pure water of the Ganges, her body recovered its astonishing beauty. She shone with her white coloured skin that is what Lord Shiva fell in love with. And finally all her desire to win Lord Shiva as her divine consort was fulfilled. She got her seamless result for her sacrifices. And after that incident she was known as Mahagauri. Mahagauri means who is extremely white, shiny and vibrant. The word Gauri means fair. She wears white clothes with has four arms and rides on a bull. Mahagauri allayed fear of her worshiper with her power of beauty and strength.

Maa Mahagauri is worshiped by this devotional Mantra

“श्वेते वृषे समारुढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः।

महागौरी शुभं दघान्महादेवप्रमोददा॥”

As we all know, Navadurga (Devanagari: नवदुर्गा), which literally means the nine forms of Goddess Durga who is the manifested in nine different aspects. Mahāgaurī is one of the forms of Navadurga. The day on which Mahagauri is worshiped is known as Ashtami. Mahagauri puja is completed only by worshiping both Shiva and Gauri together. On this day Kanya Puja is also done. A small girl is dressed like is god and get worshiped by the common masses. This day is special to everyone, especially for the Hindus. They different dresses, accessories for their friends, family and relatives. They also buy spiritual gifts for their loved ones.

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Enjoy Navratri with great love and prosperity!

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