Keep These Things in Your Wallet or Money Locker for Financial Growth


Money is really important to reap the basic necessities of life and people work really hard to earn it. Many times we are caught up in the situation where we have to deal with sheer bad luck, repeated failures, insecure feeling, decreasing financial prospects, faltering business and bad investments, though we are deliberating with our best intentions, including intelligence, hard work, and efforts. The most important thing during such time is to remember God and keep his favorite things accompanied with us wherever we go. We bring you a list of a few things to keep in your money locker or wallet to solve all your financial crisis.

7 yellow cowries or shell money

In the ancient times, these cowries were used as a mode of payment in several parts of the world. They are still used in the marriage attires of the brides for prosperous life ahead. Keeping them is considered to bring financial stability and overall prosperity. Many people also keep them in money lockers for the financial growth. Keep these cowries in your wallet and protect yourself from financial debacles.

Gomati chakra

Found in Gomti River in Dwarka, it is considered commendable to bring success, health, and wealth. It brings luck and also used in important spiritual ceremonies, especially worshipping of Yantra. It will bless you with prosperity and good health. Keeping Gomati chakra in your money locker or wallet will bring financial growth in your life and will help clear all debts.


It is really important to take blessings of Goddess Lakshmi if you want to attain financial stability and offering her rice is one of the prominent rituals to perform. She likes rice to the extent that you can offer her any food items that is prepared with rice to impress her. While performing puja for Goddess Lakshmi, offer her some rice and take some for yourself to keep in your wallet for money growth.

Shri Yantra

Shri Yantra was possessed by Brahma and is the symbolic form of all Gods and Goddesses. It helps clear all the negative energies forbidding us from getting harmony, prosperity, and peace. It helps us push indefinitely and improve our growth, whether it is related materialistically or spiritually. It is definitely the answer to all your complications and negativity in your life. Place it in your money locker or in the wallet to get rid of all your financial problems.

Photo of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

Lord Vishnu controls the life on earth and protects his devotees and bestow them with devotion, knowledge, and prosperity. Goddess Lakshmi is his wife and offering puja to her also extends our offerings to Lord Vishnu and vice versa. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of money and prosperity and Lord Vishnu protects us from all evil things. Keeping the photos of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi will help remove all financial problems from our lives.

If you want to know more about any puja in details or facing some issues while performing pujas, then you can get in touch with our astrologers/Pandits by calling at 9555966666.

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